Definition of Official

1. Adjective. Having official authority or sanction. "An official representative"

2. Noun. A worker who holds or is invested with an office.

3. Adjective. Of or relating to an office. "Official privileges"
Partainyms: Office
Derivative terms: Office

4. Noun. Someone who administers the rules of a game or sport. "The golfer asked for an official who could give him a ruling"

5. Adjective. Verified officially. "The election returns are now official"
Similar to: Confirmed

6. Adjective. Conforming to set usage, procedure, or discipline. "In prescribed order"
Exact synonyms: Prescribed
Similar to: Regular
Derivative terms: Office

7. Adjective. (of a church) given official status as a national or state institution.
Category relationships: Church, Church Service
Similar to: Constituted, Established

Definition of Official

1. a. Of or pertaining to an office or public trust; as, official duties, or routine.

2. n. One who holds an office; esp., a subordinate executive officer or attendant.

Definition of Official

1. Adjective. Of or pertaining to an office or public trust. ¹

2. Adjective. Derived from the proper office or officer, or from the proper authority; made or communicated by virtue of authority ¹

3. Adjective. Approved by authority; authorized. ¹

4. Adjective. sanctioned by the pharmacopoeia; appointed to be used in medicine; officinal ¹

5. Adjective. Discharging an office or function. ¹

6. Adjective. Relating to an office; especially, to a subordinate executive officer or attendant. ¹

7. Adjective. Relating to an ecclesiastical judge appointed by a bishop, chapter, archdeacon, etc., with charge of the spiritual jurisdiction. ¹

8. Noun. An office holder invested with powers and authorities. ¹

9. Noun. A person responsible for applying the rules of a game or sport in a competition. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Official

1. one that holds a position of authority [n -S]

Medical Definition of Official

1. 1. Of or pertaining to an office or public trust; as, official duties, or routine. "That, in the official marks invested, you Anon do meet the senate." (Shak) 2. Derived from the proper office or officer, or from the proper authority; made or communicated by virtue of authority; as, an official statement or report. 3. Approved by authority; sanctioned by the pharmacopoeia; appointed to be used in medicine; as, an official drug or preparation. Cf. Officinal. 4. Discharging an office or function. "The stomach and other parts official unto nutrition." (Sir T. Browne) Origin: L. Officialis: cf. F. Officiel. See Office, and cf. Official. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Official

officer's mess
officer-involved shooting
official (current term)
official at-bat
official at-bats
official cover
official document
official emissary
official formula
official immunity

Literary usage of Official

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Innocents Abroad; Or, The New Pilgrim's Progress: Being Some Account of by Mark Twain (1884)
"If by any possibility you have managed to take the wrong train, you will be handed over to a polite official who will take you whither you belong, ..."

2. Selections from Strabo: With an Introduction on Strabo's Life and Works by Strabo, Henry Fanshawe Tozer (1893)
"The description here given of the official system of the Indians, numerous details of which are confirmed by the ancient Hindoo codes of law, gives evidence ..."

3. The Science of Railways by Marshall Monroe Kirkman (1904)
"Its official adoption and recognition by him made its adoption general. The great amount of research and labor that attended this exposition is amply repaid ..."

4. A Summary of the Law of Companies by Thomas Eustace Smith (1891)
"•4 The, official Receiver and his duties prior to the appointment of a Liquidator. On a winding-up order being made, the official receiver) Provisional if ..."

5. Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare (1912)
"... Lepidus, Popilius, and Publius. Antony keeps R, so that Trebonius can easily persuade him to go off R in consultation, about some official matter. ..."

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