Definition of Plant

1. Verb. Put or set (seeds, seedlings, or plants) into the ground. "They plant rye in the field"; "Let's plant flowers in the garden"

Exact synonyms: Set
Generic synonyms: Lay, Place, Pose, Position, Put, Set
Specialized synonyms: Root, Puddle, Checkrow, Bed, Dibble, Afforest, Forest, Replant, Tree
Derivative terms: Planter, Planting, Set

2. Noun. Buildings for carrying on industrial labor. "They built a large plant to manufacture automobiles"

3. Verb. Fix or set securely or deeply. "The dentist implanted a tooth in the gum"
Exact synonyms: Embed, Engraft, Imbed, Implant
Generic synonyms: Enter, Infix, Insert, Introduce
Specialized synonyms: Pot, Nest, Bury, Sink
Derivative terms: Implant, Implantation, Implantation, Implantation, Planting

4. Noun. (botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion.
Exact synonyms: Flora, Plant Life
Generic synonyms: Being, Organism
Examples of category: Botanical Medicine, Herbal Therapy, Phytotherapy, Micro-organism, Microorganism, Parasite, Coca, Fugaciousness, Fugacity, Circulation, Botany, Flora, Vegetation, Squamule, Nitrification, Perennation, Photosynthesis, Alder Blight, Peroxidase, Tenderiser, Tenderizer, Propagate, Etiolate, Bruise, Cultivate, Domesticate, Naturalise, Naturalize, Tame, Accrete, Deaden, Girdle, Acid-loving, Alkaline-loving, Apocarpous, Syncarpous, Sedgy, Floccose, Hispid, Pappose, Carnivorous, Saprophytic, Insectivorous, Blanched, Etiolate, Etiolated, Tender, Dicotyledonous, Monocotyledonous, Evergreen, Deciduous, Campylotropous, Orthotropous, Anatropous, Inverted, Amphitropous, Epiphytotic, Amentaceous, Amentiferous, Half-hardy, Gregarious, Clustered, Ungregarious, Caespitose, Cespitose, Tufted, Leggy, Tall-growing, Endangered, Threatened
Specialized synonyms: Phytoplankton, Microflora, Crop, Endemic, Holophyte, Non-flowering Plant, Plantlet, Wilding, Ornamental, Pot Plant, Acrogen, Apomict, Aquatic, Cryptogam, Annual, Biennial, Perennial, Escape, Hygrophyte, Neophyte, Embryo, Monocarp, Monocarpic Plant, Monocarpous Plant, Sporophyte, Gametophyte, Houseplant, Garden Plant, Tracheophyte, Vascular Plant, Poisonous Plant, Aerophyte, Air Plant, Epiphyte, Epiphytic Plant, Rock Plant, Autophyte, Autophytic Plant, Autotroph, Autotrophic Organism, Myrmecophyte
Category relationships: Botany, Phytology
Terms within: Cap, Hood, Plant Part, Plant Structure
Group relationships: Kingdom Plantae, Plant Kingdom, Plantae
Derivative terms: Floral, Plantal, Plantlet

5. Verb. Set up or lay the groundwork for. "Establish a new department"
Exact synonyms: Constitute, Establish, Found, Institute
Generic synonyms: Initiate, Pioneer
Specialized synonyms: Fix, Appoint, Constitute, Name, Nominate
Derivative terms: Constitution, Establishment, Foundation, Founder, Founding, Institution

6. Noun. An actor situated in the audience whose acting is rehearsed but seems spontaneous to the audience.
Generic synonyms: Actor, Histrion, Player, Role Player, Thespian

7. Verb. Place into a river. "Plant fish"
Category relationships: Animal Husbandry
Generic synonyms: Stock

8. Noun. Something planted secretly for discovery by another. "He claimed that the evidence against him was a plant"
Generic synonyms: Contrivance, Dodge, Stratagem

9. Verb. Place something or someone in a certain position in order to secretly observe or deceive. "Plant bugs in the dissident's apartment"
Generic synonyms: Lay, Place, Pose, Position, Put, Set

10. Verb. Put firmly in the mind. "They won't plant the story "; "Plant a thought in the students' minds"
Exact synonyms: Implant
Generic synonyms: Communicate, Pass, Pass Along, Pass On, Put Across

Definition of Plant

1. n. A vegetable; an organized living being, generally without feeling and voluntary motion, and having, when complete, a root, stem, and leaves, though consisting sometimes only of a single leafy expansion, or a series of cellules, or even a single cellule.

2. v. t. To put in the ground and cover, as seed for growth; as, to plant maize.

3. v. i. To perform the act of planting.

Definition of Plant

1. Noun. An organism that is not an animal, especially an organism capable of photosynthesis. Typically a small or herbaceous organism of this kind, rather than a tree. ¹

2. Noun. (botany) An organism of the kingdom ''Plantae''; now specifically, a living organism of the ''Embryophyta'' (land plants) or of the ''Chlorophyta'' (green algae), a eukaryote that includes double-membraned chloroplasts in its cells containing chlorophyll ''a'' and ''b'', or any organism closely related to such an organism. ¹

3. Noun. (context: ecology) Now specifically, a multicellular eukaryote that includes chloroplasts in its cells, which have a cell wall. ¹

4. Noun. (context: proscribed as biologically inaccurate) Any creature that grows on soil or similar surfaces, including plants and fungi. ¹

5. Noun. A factory or other industrial or institutional building or facility. ¹

6. Noun. An object placed surreptitiously in order to cause suspicion to fall upon a person. ¹

7. Noun. Anyone assigned to behave as a member of the public during a covert operation (as in a police investigation). ¹

8. Noun. A person, placed amongst an audience, whose role is to cause confusion, laughter etc. ¹

9. Noun. (context: snooker) A play in which the cue ball knocks one (usually red) ball onto another, in order to pot the second; a set. ¹

10. Noun. A large piece of machinery, such as used in earthmoving or construction. ¹

11. Verb. (transitive) To place (a seed or plant) in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and grow. ¹

12. Verb. (transitive) To place (an object, or sometimes a person), often with the implication of intending deceit. ¹

13. Verb. (transitive) To place or set something firmly or with conviction. ¹

14. Verb. To place in the ground. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Plant

1. to place in the ground for growing [v -ED, -ING, -S]

Medical Definition of Plant

1. 1. To put in the ground and cover, as seed for growth; as, to plant maize. 2. To set in the ground for growth, as a young tree, or a vegetable with roots. "Thou shalt not plant thee a grove of any trees." (Deut. Xvi. 21) 3. To furnish, or fit out, with plants; as, to plant a garden, an orchard, or a forest. 4. To engender; to generate; to set the germ of. "It engenders choler, planteth anger." (Shak) 5. To furnish with a fixed and organised population; to settle; to establish; as, to plant a colony. "Planting of countries like planting of woods." (Bacon) 6. To introduce and establish the principles or seeds of; as, to plant Christianity among the heathen. 7. To set firmly; to fix; to set and direct, or point; as, to plant cannon against a fort; to plant a standard in any place; to plant one's feet on solid ground; to plant one's fist in another's face. 8. To set up; to install; to instate. "We will plant some other in the throne." (Shak) Origin: AS. Plantian, L. Plantare. See Plant. To perform the act of planting. "I have planted; Apollos watered." (1 Cor. Iii. 6) 1. A vegetable; an organised living being, generally without feeling and voluntary motion, and having, when complete, a root, stem, and leaves, though consisting sometimes only of a single leafy expansion, or a series of cellules, or even a single cellule. Plants are divided by their structure and methods of reproduction into two series, phaenogamous or flowering plants, which have true flowers and seeds, and cryptogamous or flowerless plants, which have no flowers, and reproduce by minute one-celled spores. In both series are minute and simple forms and others of great size and complexity. As to their mode of nutrition, plants may be considered as self-supporting and dependent. Self-supporting plants always contain chlorophyll, and subsist on air and moisture and the matter dissolved in moisture, and as a general rule they excrete oxygen, and use the carbonic acid to combine with water and form the material for their tissues. Dependent plants comprise all fungi and many flowering plants of a parasitic or saprophytic nature. As a rule, they have no chlorophyll, and subsist mainly or wholly on matter already organised, thus utilizing carbon compounds already existing, and not excreting oxygen. But there are plants which are partly dependent and partly self-supporting. The movements of climbing plants, of some insectivorous plants, of leaves, stamens, or pistils in certain plants, and the ciliary motion of zoospores, etc, may be considered a kind of voluntary motion. 2. A bush, or young tree; a sapling; hence, a stick or staff. "A plant of stubborn oak." 3. The sole of the foot. "Knotty legs and plants of clay." 4. The whole machinery and apparatus employed in carrying on a trade or mechanical business; also, sometimes including real estate, and whatever represents investment of capital in the means of carrying on a business, but not including material worked upon or finished products; as, the plant of a foundry, a mill, or a railroad. 5. A plan; an artifice; a swindle; a trick. "It was n't a bad plant, that of mine, on Fikey." (Dickens) 6. An oyster which has been bedded, in distinction from one of natural growth. A young oyster suitable for transplanting. Plant bug, any small hemipterous insect which infests plants, especially those of the families Aphidae and Psyllidae; an aphid. Origin: AS. Plante, L. Planta. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Plant

planoscopic eyepiece
plans on
plant RNase
plant antitoxin
plant bug
plant casein
plant closing
plant community
plant components
plant department
plant dermatitis

Literary usage of Plant

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Transactions by European Orthodontic Society, Lina Oswald, Northern Ohio Dental Society, Ossory Archaeological Society, Wentworth Historical Society, Society of Automobile Engineers (1910)
"The writer has prepared estimates showing comparative costs of a steam turbo plant and a combined steam and gas plant both using oil fuel. ..."

2. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge (1919)
"The aim of the first plant physiologist, Stephen Hales, is given in the ... Most of the early observers in plant physiology were interested in recent ..."

3. Feeds and Feeding: A Hand-book for the Student and Stockman by William Arnon Henry (1910)
"Water is the largest single component of the plant, that not held in chemical ... The plant obtains practically all its water from the soil thru its roots, ..."

4. Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science (1910)
"... the question—how the plant itself gains its increase in size, and, secondly, what the soil does towards supplying the material constituting the plant. ..."

5. Journal of the American Chemical Society by American Chemical Society (1898)
"They also indicate with what ease a failure in growth of one plant can be attributed to some trouble in plant nutrition, when it may be wholly due to the ..."

6. Transactions by European Orthodontic Society, Lina Oswald, Northern Ohio Dental Society, Ossory Archaeological Society, Wentworth Historical Society, Society of Automobile Engineers (1910)
"The writer has prepared estimates showing comparative costs of a steam turbo plant and a combined steam and gas plant both using oil fuel. ..."

7. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge (1919)
"The aim of the first plant physiologist, Stephen Hales, is given in the ... Most of the early observers in plant physiology were interested in recent ..."

8. Feeds and Feeding: A Hand-book for the Student and Stockman by William Arnon Henry (1910)
"Water is the largest single component of the plant, that not held in chemical ... The plant obtains practically all its water from the soil thru its roots, ..."

9. Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science (1910)
"... the question—how the plant itself gains its increase in size, and, secondly, what the soil does towards supplying the material constituting the plant. ..."

10. Journal of the American Chemical Society by American Chemical Society (1898)
"They also indicate with what ease a failure in growth of one plant can be attributed to some trouble in plant nutrition, when it may be wholly due to the ..."

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