Definition of Public

1. Adjective. Not private; open to or concerning the people as a whole. "Performers and members of royal families are public figures"

2. Noun. People in general considered as a whole. "He is a hero in the eyes of the public"
Exact synonyms: Populace, World
Generic synonyms: People
Specialized synonyms: Admass
Member holonyms: Audience

3. Adjective. Affecting the people or community as a whole. "The public welfare"
Similar to: Common

4. Noun. A body of people sharing some common interest. "The reading public"
Generic synonyms: Body

Definition of Public

1. a. Of or pertaining to the people; belonging to the people; relating to, or affecting, a nation, state, or community; -- opposed to private; as, the public treasury.

2. n. The general body of mankind, or of a nation, state, or community; the people, indefinitely; as, the American public; also, a particular body or aggregation of people; as, an author's public.

Definition of Public

1. Adjective. Able to be seen or known by everyone; open to general view, happening without concealment. (defdate from 14th c.) ¹

2. Adjective. Pertaining to all the people as a whole (as opposed a private group); concerning the whole country, community etc. (defdate from 15th c.) ¹

3. Adjective. Officially representing the community; carried out or funded by the state on behalf of the community. (defdate from 15th c.) ¹

4. Adjective. Open to all members of a community; especially, provided by national or local authorities and supported by money from taxes. (defdate from 15th c.) ¹

5. Adjective. (context: of a company) Traded publicly via a stock market. ¹

6. Noun. The people in general, regardless of membership of any particular group. ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Public

1. the community or the people as a whole [n -S]

Lexicographical Neighbors of Public

public (current term)
public-key cryptography
public-relations campaign
public-service corporation
public access
public access television
public address system

Literary usage of Public

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Junius by Junius (1797)
"Page LETTER 13. PHILO Justus to the Printer of the public Advertiser 97 14. PHILO JUNIUS to the Printer of the public Advertiser 102 15. ..."

2. Report by Illinois Highway Commission (1913)
"FARMERS' INSTITUTES AND public MEETINGS. The following table give? a summary of the meetings attended each year, since the organization of the State Highway ..."

3. Municipal Franchises: A Description of the Terms and Conditions Upon which by Delos Franklin Wilcox (1911)
"public nature of the street railway 288. Street railways as a factor In the business. financial world. 278 Street railways in relation to the 283. ..."

4. Library World (1907)
"297 Society of public Librarians. Meeting 262 South African Bookbuyer, (Rev.) ... Southampton public Library. Purchase of books 381 Southend public Library. ..."

5. The Democracy of the Constitution: And Other Addresses and Essays by Henry Cabot Lodge (1915)
"PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN: I am much indebted to you for your kindness in asking me to address you upon a public question which seems to me to be of the ..."

6. The Democracy of the Constitution: And Other Addresses and Essays by Henry Cabot Lodge (1915)
"PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN: I am much indebted to you for your kindness in asking me to address you upon a public question which seems to me to be of the ..."

7. The Democracy of the Constitution: And Other Addresses and Essays by Henry Cabot Lodge (1915)
"PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN: I am much indebted to you for your kindness in asking me to address you upon a public question which seems to me to be of the ..."

8. Education and Capitalism: How Overcoming Our Fear of Markets and Economics by Herbert J. Walberg (2003)
"The most distinctive feature of the government school system is its near monopoly on the use of public funds earmarked for education. With a few exceptions, ..."

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