Definition of Remove

1. Verb. Remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract. "They want to remove the doors"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment"

Exact synonyms: Take, Take Away, Withdraw
Specialized synonyms: Depilate, Epilate, Harvest, Tip, Stem, Extirpate, Enucleate, Exenterate, Enucleate, Decorticate, Bail, Disinvest, Divest, Strip, Undress, Ablate, Clean, Pick, Clean, Winnow, Pick, Clear, Clear Up, Muck, Lift, Lift, Lift, Tear Away, Tear Off, Take Off, Take Away, Take Out, Pit, Stone, Seed, Unhinge, Shuck, Hull, Crumb, Chip Away, Chip Away At, Burl, Knock Out, Clean, Scavenge, Hypophysectomise, Hypophysectomize, Degas, Husk, Shell, Bur, Burr, Clear Away, Clear Off, Flick, Dismantle, Strip, Strip, Clear, Defang, Bone, Debone, Disembowel, Draw, Eviscerate, Shell, Shuck, Detusk, Tusk, Dehorn, Scalp, Weed, Condense, Bail Out, Bale Out, Leach, Strip, Decalcify, Detoxicate, Detoxify, De-ionate, De-iodinate, Decarbonise, Decarbonize, Decarburise, Decarburize, Decoke, Delouse, Ream, Brush, Wash, Wash Away, Wash Off, Wash Out, Desorb, Pull, Demineralise, Demineralize, Eliminate, Clear Out, Drive Out, Expectorate, Carve Out, Defuse, Dredge, Wear Away, Wear Off, Amputate, Cut Off, Eviscerate, Resect, Cream, Cream Off, Skim, Skim Off, Strip, Strip, Descale, Scale, Circumcise, Undock, Cut Into, Delve, Dig, Turn Over, Dig, Excavate, Hollow, Lift Out, Scoop, Scoop Out, Scoop Up, Take Up, Draw Out, Extract, Pull, Pull Out, Pull Up, Take Out, Take Out, Unstring, String, Wipe Away, Wipe Off, Bear Away, Bear Off, Carry Away, Carry Off, Take Away, Unveil, Take Out, Unpack, Disburden, Unburden, Empty, Discharge, Offsaddle, Unsaddle, Cast, Cast Off, Drop, Shake Off, Shed, Throw, Throw Away, Throw Off, Dislodge, Free, Clean, Aspirate, Draw Out, Suck Out, Cancel, Delete, Lade, Laden, Ladle, Spoon, Gut, Head, Draw Away, Draw Off, Pull Off, Clean, Strip, Draw, Take Out, Draw, Get Out, Pull, Pull Out, Take Out, Leach, Draw, Draw, Draw Off, Take Out, Withdraw
Derivative terms: Remotion, Removal, Remover, Withdrawal
Also: Take Off

2. Noun. Degree of figurative distance or separation. "It imitates at many removes a Shakespearean tragedy"
Generic synonyms: Distance

3. Verb. Remove from a position or an office.

4. Verb. Dispose of. "The company got rid of all the dead wood"

5. Verb. Cause to leave. "The teacher took the children out of the classroom"
Exact synonyms: Move Out, Take Out
Specialized synonyms: Clear, Call In, Estrange
Causes: Move

6. Verb. Shift the position or location of, as for business, legal, educational, or military purposes. "Remove a case to another court"
Exact synonyms: Transfer
Generic synonyms: Shift, Transfer
Derivative terms: Transferer, Transferrer

7. Verb. Go away or leave. "He absented himself"
Exact synonyms: Absent
Generic synonyms: Disappear, Go Away, Vanish
Derivative terms: Absence, Absentee

8. Verb. Kill intentionally and with premeditation. "Sam cannot remove Sue "; "The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered"
Exact synonyms: Bump Off, Dispatch, Hit, Murder, Off, Polish Off, Slay
Generic synonyms: Kill
Specialized synonyms: Burke, Execute
Derivative terms: Dispatch, Hit, Murder, Murderer, Slayer, Slaying

9. Verb. Get rid of something abstract. "God takes away your sins"
Exact synonyms: Take Away
Specialized synonyms: Wash Away

Definition of Remove

1. v. t. To move away from the position occupied; to cause to change place; to displace; as, to remove a building.

2. v. i. To change place in any manner, or to make a change in place; to move or go from one residence, position, or place to another.

3. n. The act of removing; a removal.

Definition of Remove

1. Verb. (transitive) To move something from one place to another, especially to take away. ¹

2. Verb. (transitive) To murder someone. ¹

3. Verb. (cricket),(transitive) To dismiss a batsman. ¹

4. Verb. (transitive) To discard, set aside (a thought, feeling etc.). ¹

5. Verb. (intransitive now rare) To depart, leave. ¹

6. Verb. (intransitive) To change one's residence. ¹

7. Noun. The act of removing something, especially removing a dish at a meal in order to replace it with the next course ¹

8. Noun. A dish thus replaced, or the replacement ¹

9. Noun. (British) (''at some public schools'') A division of the school, especially the form prior to last ¹

10. Noun. A step or gradation (as in the phrase "at one remove") ¹

11. Noun. Distance in time or space ¹

¹ Source:

Definition of Remove

1. to take or move away [v -MOVED, -MOVING, -MOVES]

Medical Definition of Remove

1. 1. To move away from the position occupied; to cause to change place; to displace; as, to remove a building. "Thou shalt not remove thy neighbor's landmark." (Deut. Xix. 14) "When we had dined, to prevent the ladies' leaving us, I generally ordered the table to be removed." (Goldsmith) 2. To cause to leave a person or thing; to cause to cease to be; to take away; hence, to banish; to destroy; to put an end to; to kill; as, to remove a disease. "King Richard thus removed." 3. To dismiss or discharge from office; as, the President removed many postmasters. See the Note under Remove. Origin: OF. Removoir, remouvoir, L. Removere, remotum; pref. Re- re- + movere to move. See Move. To change place in any manner, or to make a change in place; to move or go from one residence, position, or place to another. "Till Birnam wood remove to Dunsinane, I can not taint with fear." (Shak) The verb remove, in some of its application, is synonymous with move, but not in all. Thus we do not apply remove to a mere change of posture, without a change of place or the seat of a thing. A man moves his head when he turns it, or his finger when he bends it, but he does not remove it. Remove usually or always denotes a change of place in a body, but we never apply it to a regular, continued course or motion. We never say the wind or water, or a ship, removes at a certain rate by the hour; but we say a ship was removed from one place in a harbor to another. Move is a generic term, including the sense of remove, which is more generally applied to a change from one station or permanent position, stand, or seat, to another station. 1. The act of removing; a removal. "This place should be at once both school and university, not needing a remove to any other house of scholarship." (Milton) "And drags at each remove a lengthening chain." (Goldsmith) 2. The transfer of one's business, or of one's domestic belongings, from one location or dwelling house to another; in the United States usually called a move. "It is an English proverb that three removes are as bad as a fire." (J. H. Newman) 3. The state of being removed. 4. That which is removed, as a dish removed from table to make room for something else. 5. The distance or space through which anything is removed; interval; distance; stage; hence, a step or degree in any scale of gradation; specifically, a division in an English public school; as, the boy went up two removes last year. "A freeholder is but one remove from a legislator." (Addison) 6. The act of resetting a horse's shoe. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Remove

removable bridge
removable disk
removable partial denture
removal company
removal firm
remove (current term)

Literary usage of Remove

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A History of the People of the United States: From the Revolution to the by John Bach McMaster (1906)
"Is this," said the Secretary, " a direction by you to me to remove the deposits ? " " It is a direction to you to remove the deposits," Jackson replied, ..."

2. A Treatise on the Law of Railroads by Horace Gay Wood (1885)
"In one sense the specific act would not be in the course of his employment, hut his general employment to remove trespassers from the train would be ..."

3. The Novels of Jane Austen by Jane Austen (1892)
"Mrs Morris contrived to remove one article from his sight that might have distressed him. The curtain over which she had presided with such talent and such ..."

4. Proceedings by Philadelphia County Medical Society (1888)
"A SUCCESSFUL CYSTOTOMY AFTER FAILURE OF SUCTION TO remove A PIECE OF A CATHETER FROM ... On November llth and 13th I attempted to remove it by suction with ..."

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